installation / intervention / objects / photography

born in 1996 in hamburg
based in geneva


MA Spaces & Communication
HEAD Haute École d’Art et de Design Genève, Switzerland (2023)

BA Product Design
UniBZ Libera Università di Bolzano, Facoltà di Design e Arti, Italy (2020)
with an exchange semester at ENSAD Paris

awards, exhibitions and other:

upcoming: 11-16 June For a Fern at ArtBasel, Hall 1.1 (Finalists Exhibitions SAA -30)

Selected for the Bourses Déliées of HEAD / Fonds Cantonal d’Art Contemporain (Genève)

Fever presented at Milano Arch Week

Selected for FOG MACHINE (percorso formativo) by Triennale di Milano

Finalist Prix d’Excellence de la Fondation Hans Wilsdorf

Participation in the exhibition Earth: A Retrospective by El Último Grito
Bombas Gens Centre d’Art Valencia 

2020 - 2023
Participation in a Research Project of UniBZ
Towards the Realm of Materiality – Designing Philip K. Dick’s Non-Existing Devices
(Dir. German A. Duarte, Andrea Facchetti, Secil Ugur Yavuz)

if you want to know more just contact me

©Roberta Faust, all rights reserved, 2023